This past April, 9 of us – 7 students, instructor Peter Essick, and myself – braved the crocodile-infested waters of the Okefenokee Swamp and the feral horse colonies of Cumberland Island to bring you these images. We arose way before dawn in order to record the sunset over Chesser Prairie, out in the swamp, and returned again that evening for full moon rise/sunset just as the gators were setting out for their nocturnal feeding frenzy. 🙂 The next day we caught the early ferry for a 6-hour sojourn with Mike our van driver as he steered us to out-of-the-way non-touristy areas, as well as the more famous Plum Orchard and Dungeness Mansion, complete with the wild horses Cumberland is so famous for.
It was a great group of people, and I’m always pleasantly surprised at how differently 8 people can “see” one thing.
We hope you enjoy the galleries and hope you’ll join us on a workshop soon!
Lynne Buchanan
Lucie Canfield

Neal McEwen
Molly Faircloth
Celso Gonzalez-Falla
Nancy McCrary
Nancy is the Publisher and Founding Editor of South x Southeast photomagazine. She is also the Director of South x Southeast Workshops, and Director of South x Southeast Photogallery. She resides on her farm in Georgia with 4 hounds where she shoots only pictures.